The Pulse Memorial Advisory Committee, consisting of families, survivors and other community stakeholders, was recently created to guide engagement toward the recommendation of a conceptual design for a permanent memorial to the Orlando City Council by the end of this year.
Members of the public are invited to attend meetings of the Pulse Memorial Advisory Committee. All meetings will be available for the public to participate in their preferred language of Spanish or English.
If you would like to participate during the meeting, please submit a request to speak at and indicate whether you will be participating in-person or virtually.
Please note: Location of physical meetings is subject to change.
Reminder: You will need to pass through security to enter City Hall. Please have your photo ID with you.
Advisory Committee Meetings:
Those wishing to join the committee meetings virtually may connect to the meeting by using the links below:
Join on Zoom
Or One tap mobile:
+13052241968,,88513658219# US
+13092053325,,88513658219# US
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
Webinar ID: 885 1365 8219
International numbers available:
View Zoom International Dial-in Numbers
Parking is available behind City Hall in the City Commons Parking Garage.
460 Boone Avenue Orlando, FL 32801
Once you enter the garage, press the button to pull a ticket. Parking validation passes will be provided at the check-in table.
Download a map(PDF, 2MB)
City Hall, 9th floor, Fairview Room, 400 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL, 32802, View Map
400 South Orange Avenue , Orlando, FL 32802
Would you like to participate during the meeting?
Submit request to speak