Lake Eola Bandshell Pays Tribute to Victims of Pulse

Last updated on October 03, 2016


This week, work begins to paint the Lake Eola Bandshell with a rainbow theme to honor and remember the victims of the Pulse tragedy.  In July, Central Florida residents, Deborah and Lauren Jane Gilmore, presented the idea to the Orlando City Council with a watercolor rendering.  District 4 City Commissioner Patty Sheehan worked with community partners to turn this vision into reality before the October 8 Come Out with Pride events.

In their proposal, the Gilmores describe the meaning of each of the colors to them:  Red for love; Orange for Orange County; Yellow is faith and hope; Green for life, its fragility and renewal; Blue for the sadness we all collectively feel and to honor our police officers and medical staff; and Purple representing valor and bravery.

“This is a shining example of community collaboration. This started as an idea from a resident and we approached Walt Disney World who was able to make it happen in time for our Come Out With Pride celebration. We are grateful for Disney’s generosity, making this remembrance of the victims with a symbol of hope for our community now and in the future,” said Commissioner Sheehan.


Monday, October 3, 2016 – Painting of the raised ribs in the back of amphitheater begins and is scheduled to be complete by Thursday, October 6, 2016, weather permitting.



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