The Future of the Pulse Memorial

Last updated on October 18, 2023

Statement from Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer
on the Future of the Pulse Memorial

Creating a memorial to the victims of the Pulse tragedy has been a challenging endeavor, with the current plan for the memorial to be built somewhere besides the actual Pulse site.

We recently had the opportunity to meet with and listen to some of the family members of the victims, as well as survivors. They expressed their strong desire for a lasting memorial to be located on the Pulse site. The hurt and pain they shared - now more than seven years since the tragedy - only solidified our belief that the 49 angels deserve a permanent memorial on the Pulse site. 

In the interest of solving challenges in a way that brings our community together in love, acceptance and partnership, which is the enduring legacy of Pulse, we have decided to purchase the land from its current owners. We believe that this is the best and most appropriate way to expedite the creation of a proper memorial for the Pulse tragedy.

Given that the City has not been a part of this process, our plan is to first acquire the land, and then determine the appropriate next steps.  We are committed to taking a thoughtful, collaborative approach to understand the history of the effort to create a memorial up until this point, and then working with the victims’ families and survivors to ensure there is a memorial at the Pulse site that honors the victims, those impacted by the tragedy and pays tribute to the resiliency of Orlando. 

This proposed land purchase will go before the City Council for approval on October 23, 2023. 

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